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I like to read Oswald Chambers’, My Utmost For His Highest, most mornings and as many of you know, there is a key verse – many times part of a verse – that is centered upon for the day’s reading.  Well, most times I like to read the whole chapter that the verse comes from; that way I can better understand the context of the verse, what was happening at the time.  Anyway, today I read the chapter before as well – Acts 19 and 20 – to get a good handle on what was going on.  It told of Paul in Ephesus, standing, as He always did, for the gospel among people who were solid believers of the false god Artemis.  Riots broke out, people didn’t like what Paul had to say.  But it didn’t stop him.  He left Ephesus, traveling to Macedonia on his way to Jerusalem.  Everywhere he was, he spoke the powerful truth of the Gospel.  As he said, he was “compelled” to do this.

Today’s devotion left me with this truth – that we are all given a ministry when we become believers in Jesus Christ.  To share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Now, how we share it is always changing – but our ministry to share the Gospel remains.  Over the 18 1/2 years that Russell and I have been married, we have seen our ministry opportunities change.  We have been in music ministry, sharing the Gospel through music to many different people in many different ways – student ministry, singles ministry, even children’s ministry.  Over the past several years, God has added marriage ministry.  All the while, the ministry of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed.  As I said earlier, the way, or style, may change but the message is always the same.

And we all have a ministry.  Not just us who sing Christian Music or preach or lead churches, but all of us who carry the name of Jesus.

Maybe God has put you around someone at work who doesn’t know Him – be a minister at work – show them the Gospel as you build relationships.  Maybe your son or daughter has a friend who’s parents don’t give them much attention.  Show him/her the Gospel by pouring into them encouraging words when they are around you.  You can pray for them, too.

There are so many ways to minister.  The most important thing is to stay in touch with the One who made you a minister to begin with.  Nurture your relationship with Jesus.  Spend time daily in His word.  Read the full chapter – get more of Him, and He’ll continue to lead you and open up opportunities to pour His love through you.

What a ride we’re on!  Let’s enjoy being ministers of the Gospel!

Kristi 🙂


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