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We’ve got a crazy idea…wondering if you’ll help us with it?

House Concert tour coming Fall 2014!

Well – we’ve got a crazy idea and we are wondering if you’ll help us with it???

We’re putting together a house concert tour starting in August and running into the Fall…anyone interested in hosting a house concert? It would be such fun sitting in your living room/backyard with 20-25+ of your friends singing, laughing, maybe even crying…    If you’ve got a living room and friends…that’s all you need!  We put the idea out on our Facebook page last week and the response has been great!  There are still dates available for both weekends or week nights but the weekends will go fast!  Let us know and we can send you a pdf document with all the details and requirements. Call us 843-446-2983 or email!

Based on the initial response to this idea, we are also looking to add house concerts to our ‘Love Is Here’ Christmas tour as well!  More to come on that idea.

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