I was reminded of something the other day that was pretty profound!  It was by a 12 year old girl – the daughter of a very good friend of mine.  She was speaking of her friend who is a year older than she is and how she wishes she was more like her friend.  “She keeps her room clean, obeys her mother, and does things like they’re supposed to be done.  When I come home from being with her I am so different for about two weeks.  I clean up after myself, I do what mom and dad ask me to do without fussing, all those good things.  Then, the longer I’m away from her I start to go back to how I’ve always been.”  I thought to myself…Girl you just preached a sermon! (more…)

There he went…out of my driveway…after four and a half wonderful years – well maybe not wonderful, but definitely good.  Russell just drove off in my car that I’d driven everywhere, all over the Southeast, to see if we could sell it.  Yea, we’re downsizing, trying to pay off some things that we feel are weighing us down.

We were talking the other day about things and I mentioned we could sell my car.  It made sense, but when it came down to it, it hurt.  Russell even offered to keep it!  This is the car that only four and a half years ago Russ had talked me into buying.  Now I was hooked!  Anyway, as I whined, both verbally and non-verbally, I realized that I was way too attached to this thing.  God reminded me that it is a car, a car!  Had I really gotten my security from this item bought on this earth?  I was reminded that our security should only come from God, the Creator of all things.  He owns it all and these earthly treasures will be gone some day.  My car that I love so much will end up sitting in a scrap metal junkyard one day.  Even my voice that I put so much of my time and energy into will one day fade.  But the Bible says that the Word of God stands forever.  I realized in this not-so-crucial moment of watching my car be driven out of my life that these things are temporal, that I should never be so caught up in and attached to the things of this world.  Things come and things go but Jesus Christ promises to never leave us or forsake us.  Praise Him!

It’s kind of exciting – thinking about what God might do if we honestly and sincerely seek to know and love Him with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, not getting caught up in this world but storing up treasures in heaven.

Lord, thank You for reminding me that it’s okay to find pleasure in things, just not finding security there.  Our hope comes from You and You alone.  Help me to offer up everything I own with open hands.  It’s Yours anyway!

Russell and Kristi were featured in the Carolina Forest Chronicle on July 1, 2010. The article, written by Ettie Newlands, describes Russell and Kristi’s beginnings as a couple and as musicians. It goes on to discuss their music, their newest album, “Heart Revolution” and their ministry. Visit the Chronicle’s website for a full version of the print issue: Carolina Forest Chronicle (page B5 in print or page 15 online)

I’m finally reading Crazy Love.  My friend, Melissa, encouraged me to read it a while back and I bought it, only to sit it on my nightstand to ‘get to it later.’  Well, now is later.  I picked it up on Sunday and am trying to allow God to speak to me through such an amazing speaker and writer, Francis Chan.

Chapter 2 got me!  It talks about something you and I know already but need reminding of on a moment-by-moment basis…This life story’s main character is not me, not you, not the celebrity, not even the most God-used speakers and writers, but God.  God alone.  Sometimes, though, don’t we all seem to act like it’s about us, even a little?  Like Francis Chan puts it, we know that God is holy, but “I am still dumb enough to forget that life is all about God and not about me at all.”

I thought about it…What am I doing with my little part of this story called life? Am I making much of God or much of Kristi?  Am I living eternally minded in how I parent, how I relate to my husband, how I interact with my friends and family?  Or am I getting caught up in this fast-paced life that can seem to be about my stuff, my circumstances, my commitments?

I am challenged today to live life to make much of my Creator, my Savior, the One Who owns this story anyway.

What about you?