Conway, SC Will and Russell enjoying His creation! Looking Glass Falls, NC Doing some speaker system maintenance during the pandemic! Leading worship and social distancing with families at St Pauls Anglican Church – Conway SC Sidney sporting the new RK beanie! Our brand new CD, ABANDON was released August 4th 2020! Leading worship and sharing via ZOOM! Outdoor worship in Myrtle Beach, SC Sidney leading worship Will loves his new ABANDON hoodie! Will in deep thought… Will leading worship Fourth of July fun on the beach! Who knew… Sidney has her own street! Will and Samantha leading North Conway Baptist – Conway SC brother and sister! Fort Caswell – Staff reunion service – Fort Caswell, NC Our dog Rivers helping out in the studio! worship night in Myrtle Beach, SC Sidney recording vocals for her upcoming CD! Lakewood Campground concert – Surfside Beach SC Rivers recording! Russell loves playing beautiful pianos like this! Darlington, SC Easter Video Recording with 3 churches in Murrells Inlet and Garden City SC Happy 14th Bday Sidney! Marriage Seminar Women’s Conference – NC Helping record student ministry worship for livestream. Connecting with churches virtually to encourage and lead worship! Women’s Conference Feb. 2020 Ft Caswell NC Our Adore Marriage Getaway with Kenn Kington! Because of COVID19 – we are now live every Thursday night on FBLive and YouTube! Sharp dressed man! Marriage Getaway with Zion Hill Church Lumberton NC Sidney sporting a Fort Caswell sweatshirt! Thanks YAM!
Adore Marriage
All By Myself?
The other day I was getting ready in our bathroom and I “felt” the Lord speak to me…
I have always been a person who wanted to do things ‘by myself.’ My family always kidded me, “Oh don’t try to help Kristi open that jar. She wants to do it by herself!” It’s true. I wanted to open the jar, the can, the whatever, by myself. I guess, in this way, I wanted to be independent. I wanted to feel the accomplishment. I wanted to be proud of what I could do alone. I’ve always looked as this personality trait as a plus, something I was kinda proud of, something that meant I would always give everything to try my best. I still think it can be a positive trait; however, as I felt God speak to me the other day, I started to think of it in a different way…
Kristi’s Blog – REST

I like to read Oswald Chambers’, My Utmost For His Highest, most mornings and as many of you know, there is a key verse – many times part of a verse – that is centered upon for the day’s reading. Well, most times I like to read the whole chapter that the verse comes from; that way I can better understand the context of the verse, what was happening at the time. Anyway, today I read the chapter before as well – Acts 19 and 20 – to get a good handle on what was going on. It told of Paul in Ephesus, standing, as He always did, for the gospel among people who were solid believers of the false god Artemis. Riots broke out, people didn’t like what Paul had to say. But it didn’t stop him. He left Ephesus, traveling to Macedonia on his way to Jerusalem. Everywhere he was, he spoke the powerful truth of the Gospel. As he said, he was “compelled” to do this.
Today’s devotion left me with this truth – that we are all given a ministry when we become believers in Jesus Christ. To share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, how we share it is always changing – but our ministry to share the Gospel remains. Over the 18 1/2 years that Russell and I have been married, we have seen our ministry opportunities change. We have been in music ministry, sharing the Gospel through music to many different people in many different ways – student ministry, singles ministry, even children’s ministry. Over the past several years, God has added marriage ministry. All the while, the ministry of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed. As I said earlier, the way, or style, may change but the message is always the same.
And we all have a ministry. Not just us who sing Christian Music or preach or lead churches, but all of us who carry the name of Jesus.
Maybe God has put you around someone at work who doesn’t know Him – be a minister at work – show them the Gospel as you build relationships. Maybe your son or daughter has a friend who’s parents don’t give them much attention. Show him/her the Gospel by pouring into them encouraging words when they are around you. You can pray for them, too.
There are so many ways to minister. The most important thing is to stay in touch with the One who made you a minister to begin with. Nurture your relationship with Jesus. Spend time daily in His word. Read the full chapter – get more of Him, and He’ll continue to lead you and open up opportunities to pour His love through you.
What a ride we’re on! Let’s enjoy being ministers of the Gospel!
Kristi 🙂
A Look At 2012 and Beyond!
A Look At 2012 and Beyond!
We are very excited about what God has been up to! We have had a busy year in 2012, one that has been very memorable for us as a couple in ministry together and as a family. Some highlights of the year…
In February…
We had the opportunity to go to South Korea to an international school, enabling us to minister to sixth, seventh, and eighth graders for an entire week. We had some super, one-on-one moments with students from all over the world.
In March…
We held our second Adore Marriage Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, with couples from five different states in attendance. The conference tripled from our first year in 2011. We have had many wonderful comments about this weekend and are excited to see how God grows this weekend getaway for married couples.
In June…
We traveled to New Orleans, LA to the Southern Baptist Convention. We had an opportunity to lead worship for a worship service on Sunday morning and reconnect with fellow ministers while we were there. Our son, Will, wasn’t with us this time. He got a chance to go to France and Spain with his grandparents so he chose that instead!
This year…
We decided to completely homeschool
Will and Sidney. We have been very pleased with this decision and keep reminding them
both how blessed we all are to
be able to travel together.
In October…
We held our very first Adore Marriage Cruise to the Bahamas! We had 22 couples in attendance from seven different states. We had a super time and are looking forward to next year!
This Christmas…
We kicked off our first ever Christmas Concert Tour, making stops in South Carolina and Tennessee. One of the best parts was that Will and Sidney were a part of it! We all enjoyed ministering together as a family.
Looking Ahead…
2013 starts our 15th year of ministry together. Many of you may not know that in 2010 we started Adore Marriage. We noticed that so many marriages around us, from 2 years to 30+ years, were ending in divorce.
Was there something we
could do to help?
God began to give us a vision for a ministry that focused on creating memorable getaways for couples at economical prices. We have already had couples from 9 different states impacted by an Adore Marriage getaway! One of our goals is to pack as much value as we can into these experiences so that marriages can be strengthened and encouraged. These events include…
– Great Biblical teaching
– Worship
– Space for couples to relax, reconnect and renew
In our world today, there seems to be an all-out assault on both marriage and family. We are committed to helping couples and families fight back. By offering experiences, resources, and time away from the normal routine, we believe that couples will be more able to hear God speak and that lives, marriages, and families will be transformed.
We know that God values marriage – He created it!
The area of finances is one of the biggest issues married couples face today. We never want the cost of an Adore Ministries event to be yet another financial burden. In order to continue to see this ministry help marriages and families,
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us?
Your gifts to Adore Marriage will help us provide the following:
– Low-cost, high-impact getaways for couples
– Scholarships for couples who would like to come but might not be able to afford it
– Resources, like emails and devotionals
– Help finding Christian counselors when needed
– Low-cost, high-impact family events
Where there are strong marriages,
there are strong families…
Where there are strong families,
there are strong churches!
We ask for your prayers as we continue to plan and equip marriages and families. There are several ways to partner with us…
-Prayer Support
-One-Time Gift
-Monthly Gift
-Weekly Gift
-Bi-Weekly Gift
Please visit our website, and click on the donations link to find out
how you can help strengthen and encourage marriages and families across the globe with God’s love and wisdom.
We pray for God’s blessings in your life in 2013!!! Thank you for your encouragement and support as we continue to share the hope of Jesus Christ!
Russell and Kristi
Kristi’s Blog: Getting in the Way
Getting in the Way
I was outside spending some time with God this morning. I love the mornings. Not the 4:30 or 5:00 mornings, but the 6:30 or 7:00 mornings. I love to get up before anyone else and get my Bible and go outside on our deck and sing and pray. It does something to my day…starts it better.
Well, this morning was one of those mornings. It was especially nice and beautiful outside and I brought my computer with me to listen to some awesome music. While I was singing, worshipping, lifting my hands to God, I noticed a shadow come over my face. I had blocked the sun with my outstretched arm. I felt like God said, “Make sure your worship of me doesn’t get in the way of Me shining on and through you.” Wow. Wow! How many times have I gotten caught up in the song, or the speaker, rather than the One I’m singing and speaking and preaching about?! How many times have you?
I want my worship to be only for my Creator, my Salvation-Giver, the only One worthy!!
Help me, Lord, to give You praise, honor and glory from a pure heart. Help me not to get caught up in doing. Help me to sit at Your feet and soak up what You are speaking, ever so softly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.