I learned something from my dog, Rivers, this morning…well, really from God but through my dog. We were out on our morning walk and I kept doing as I always do, nudging her to keep walking and she did as she always does, kept right on sniffing areas for way too long in my opinion! This time, though, I was reminded of the fact that she hadn’t been out on a walk for several days due to rain so I was trying to be a little more sympathetic and give her a few more seconds of sniffing pleasure.
That’s when it happened…I felt my Lord saying to me, “Why the rush? Rivers isn’t rushing and what do you have pressing that requires so much rushing through this time? Enjoy this.”
WOW! How many times do I have to be reminded to just stop rushing?! I KNOW this but I don’t act on it. I know that there are not people that say on their death beds that they wished they had rushed through life just a little more. NO…truth be told we probably all need to stop rushing through life and “stop to smell the roses” (to use an old adage). 

Sometimes, too, we will be able to hear the Lord speaking a little more clearly. As I was just reminded at beachCHURCH this past Sunday through our pastor, Todd, God doesn’t speak with a loud, thunderous voice. He speaks in a gentle whisper.
Thank You, Lord, for using Rivers to show me how to enjoy moments You give us. Thank You for helping me to see that time already flies so fast that I don’t need to miss it. Help us all to let up on the leash just a little bit and allow You to speak into our busyness, allow You to help us enjoy life just a little more. Thank You for loving us even when we’re rushing and loving us too much to let us stay content in the rat race. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.