Rest.  What a seemingly simple word.  It is only four letters.  But, oh, the implications it can have on a life that actually does it!
My husband, Russell, will often say to me, “Sit down…rest.”  There’s that word again.  It’s sometimes, (I’m being a little too easy on myself), it’s often difficult for me to sit down and rest.  We homeschool our children, Will and Sidney, and this year is the first of many years to come of a lot more to do.  Me and our 2 amazing kidsWill is in eighth grade and Sidney is in third grade.  Their workloads are only increasing from here.  So, as I write this, I am looking back on yesterday – a Saturday that we were actually home and not out on the road doing ministry.  I had a terrible day because I couldn’t seem to rest. There’s that word again!
Saturdays, in my mind, were meant for catching up on the things you couldn’t get done during the week.  Well, because I homeschool, I had laundry, tons of emails to go through and send, and just the normal cleaning.  What I needed more than anything, though, was to rest.  There’s that…you get the picture.
Jesus had a few things to say about resting.  He tells us to come to Him, all who are weary and burdened and He will give us rest.  He says our souls will find rest.  He told His apostles to come away to a quiet and desolate place and rest a while because there were so many people needing them that they hadn’t even had a chance to eat!  We are to “be still and know that He is God.”  We are to rest.
I have to realize…it’s okay to rest.  Our bodies are designed to rest.  We can’t function properly without it.  Sometimes we just need a day, or even a few hours, doing things that instill joy into our lives:  playing games with our kids, watching a movie, or just napping or taking a long bath.  Maybe you haven’t just sat quietly and waited for the Lord to speak.  Tell yourself, “It’s okay to rest!”  Say it with me, “It’s okay to rest!”  One more time, “It’s okay to rest!”
Now, I wonder if your family will notice?  I think they will.  I think mine will.  When we’re rested, we can hear The Holy Spirit’s voice louder, easier. We can feel the joy that He intended for us.  I think our Heavenly Father will smile as we take time rest.
Now, can you count how many times I used the word REST?  Oh stop it…go rest!!
Kristi 🙂 

We just got back from another trip out of town – Nashville, actually.  I love that place.  It’s so beautiful, especially this time of year, and we have so many friends there.  It was nice to catch up with a few of them while in town.

Our children, Will and Sidney, just started school a couple of weeks ago, just like most kids in the US.  They go to a University Model School, which means they only go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and do homework on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Where was that when I was growing up you ask??  I know, me too!!  Anyway, this allows for a lot of flexibility with their school schedules and our ministry schedule.  However, September has been extremely busy for us and fourth grade is much more strenuous and time-consuming for Will than was his third grade year.  That being said, we are struggling somewhat to get our schedules to mesh like they have in the past.  Well, these things, coupled with other just as weighty things have been consuming my thoughts.  I was really struggling this morning with how to juggle it all and how to not make our children feel slighted, when I called out to God the simple, but powerful, prayer of Proverbs 3:5-6:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (more…)